Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We've all got ISSUES apparently

Do you check your e-mail more than a couple times a day? Are you constantly hitting "refresh" to see if any new e-mails have come in? Do you spend most of your work day responding to e-mails than doing ACTUAL work?

Well, you may be ready to enter the newest form of rehab...yes, that's right E-MAIL REHAB! All of these crazy celebrities like Skanky Spears and Lindsay Hohan don't know what REAL addiction is. Crack and heroine are nothing. The power of the computer and the allure of e-mailing though...that's a REAL drug.

So similar to AA and NA and all of those Drug Anonymous groups, there is indeed also a 12-step program for those who are addicted to e-mailing. Some of these people will not go on a vacation where they do not have access to e-mail...is that really a sign of addiction though? I mean, I don't know if I would want to vacation somewhere that didn't have wireless Internet capabilities anyway....that doesn't mean I have "A PROBLEM" does it? Does it?!?!

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