Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guess where I'm going on Friiiday?

Yup, it's triathlon time baby! And that means I am headed to Catalina Island. I'm super excited. A bit nervous...but, mostly pumped.

I'm feeling prepared for the most part. Although, I'm a bit leary about Catalina being all hilly and stuff. I ran up and down Edwards Hill in Huntington Beach a couple times. I should be set, right? Sure, I may be cursing the last leg of the race (the run) the whole way through, and I'm completely at peace with that. Hehe.

So one thing I totally didn't even think about until I did a run through....yeah, the transition from the swim to bike, involves lots of sand on the feet. Not so fun putting socks on sandy feet I've discovered! I read online that it's wise to bring a bucket to rinse off after the swim portion. Who knew?

Wish me luck on my first ever triathlon, peeps! Woot wooooooooot!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Change is a coming!!!