Monday, February 12, 2007

Flip Cup for-sheeezy

Yes, I had a nice re-visit with college when I partook in a nice old fashioned game of Flip Cup.

This game can get so stressful! For those who are unfamiliar, the game is also known as "Flippy Cup" and "Boat Racing." You have teams on either side of a table and your opponent is the person standing directly across from you. The opponents at the end of the table start chugging their beers at the same time (from the highly recognizable plastic red/blue cups typically) and once they're finished, put their cups on the edge of the table, right side up, and have to flip the cup continuously until it lands upside down. Once it does, onto the next person on your team who repeats the process until the person on the end has completed the final "flipping of the cup."

It may sound easy in theory, but throwing in elements of nerves, intoxication and people screaming and cheering all around you, this seemingly easy task becomes quite complex and potentially impossible if you've had one too many. It is oh so fun though. And I know some things you out grow with hop-scotch, playing tag, giving people wedgies, etc....but I just can't imagine I will EVER out grow Flip Cup or Beer Pong.

You probably can't make the quote out on the bottom of the motivational "Flip Cup poster" above, but it reads "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"....ahh, so true, and so wise when it comes to this fan-freaking-tastic game.

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