Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some Salmonella with your Peanut Butter?

I was watching the Today Show this morning and heard that salmonella (the infection that kills 600 people annually and gives people symptoms which can include fever, dehydration, and vomiting, oh my!) has been found in Peter Pan Peanut Butter in more than 300 cases across the country!!

One does salmonella (which is usually found in raw chicken) make it into a jar of peanut butter?!?!?! I mean....really!! I don't get it. Click here for the entire story. It's just so bizarre and so disgusting!

I am a HUGE fan of peanut butter...especially on bananas, apples and celery...I wonder if the world of peanut butter will take a huge hit from this incident. I'm kind of rethinking my Jif jar of PB in my drawer right now actually...hmmm.

Somehow...I don't see Peter Pan peanut butter making a comeback from all of this. Unless if someone was to play a "Russian Roulette" type of game and see if THEY were the lucky one to get salmonella in THEIR Peter Pan jar. What a brilliant game...I should copyright that.

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