Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nano Nano

I am sooo digging my new red iPod nano. And what's even better is that $10 of my purchase goes towards the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. So I get a fun toy AND part of the money goes to a great cause....although, come on Apple...I think you can afford donating more than $10 friggin dollars for every purchase...yes, something is better than nothing...but I vote for 50% of the purchase (even for a limited amount of time) should go towards the organization.

You heard what I said Stevie Jobs? Them be fighting words.

All smack-talking aside, I do love my new nano and spent hours this weekend uploading all sorts of super songs to it. Some really random ones too...if someone got hold of my nano, I don't think they would know what to think...my music taste is a bit schizo nowadays. Can't wait to add even more songs to my Little Red.

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