Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sign me up. I am now a Hugh Grant fan. Wrinkles and all. He has actually gotten BETTER looking with age. How does that work exactly? Women get less attractive and saggy and many men (i.e. Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, George Clooney, Robert Redford...ok, maybe not the last one) get more and more handsome. What gives?!?
I saw Music & Lyrics the other day and it was a cute movie. Not as "chicky-flicky" as I thought it would be actually. The opening and closing scenes featuring Grant in "nut hugging" pants singing and gyrating to awesomely bad 80's music is worth watching on its own. And in that last scene, they even add the "Pop-Up Video" element which I happily welcome back.
Didn't you just love Pop-Up Video? That show was the BEST! I love those helpful yet random facts coming up on screen and miss them dearly.
But back to Hugh. Remember when he used to look like this? Kinda nerdy right? Not my cup of tea...I prefer him nowadays like this.
Yup, sure do.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
We've all got ISSUES apparently
Do you check your e-mail more than a couple times a day? Are you constantly hitting "refresh" to see if any new e-mails have come in? Do you spend most of your work day responding to e-mails than doing ACTUAL work?
Well, you may be ready to enter the newest form of rehab...yes, that's right E-MAIL REHAB! All of these crazy celebrities like Skanky Spears and Lindsay Hohan don't know what REAL addiction is. Crack and heroine are nothing. The power of the computer and the allure of e-mailing though...that's a REAL drug.
So similar to AA and NA and all of those Drug Anonymous groups, there is indeed also a 12-step program for those who are addicted to e-mailing. Some of these people will not go on a vacation where they do not have access to that really a sign of addiction though? I mean, I don't know if I would want to vacation somewhere that didn't have wireless Internet capabilities anyway....that doesn't mean I have "A PROBLEM" does it? Does it?!?!
Nano Nano
I am sooo digging my new red iPod nano. And what's even better is that $10 of my purchase goes towards the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa. So I get a fun toy AND part of the money goes to a great cause....although, come on Apple...I think you can afford donating more than $10 friggin dollars for every purchase...yes, something is better than nothing...but I vote for 50% of the purchase (even for a limited amount of time) should go towards the organization.
You heard what I said Stevie Jobs? Them be fighting words.
All smack-talking aside, I do love my new nano and spent hours this weekend uploading all sorts of super songs to it. Some really random ones too...if someone got hold of my nano, I don't think they would know what to music taste is a bit schizo nowadays. Can't wait to add even more songs to my Little Red.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Some Salmonella with your Peanut Butter?
I was watching the Today Show this morning and heard that salmonella (the infection that kills 600 people annually and gives people symptoms which can include fever, dehydration, and vomiting, oh my!) has been found in Peter Pan Peanut Butter in more than 300 cases across the country!!
One does salmonella (which is usually found in raw chicken) make it into a jar of peanut butter?!?!?! I mean....really!! I don't get it. Click here for the entire story. It's just so bizarre and so disgusting!
I am a HUGE fan of peanut butter...especially on bananas, apples and celery...I wonder if the world of peanut butter will take a huge hit from this incident. I'm kind of rethinking my Jif jar of PB in my drawer right now actually...hmmm.
Somehow...I don't see Peter Pan peanut butter making a comeback from all of this. Unless if someone was to play a "Russian Roulette" type of game and see if THEY were the lucky one to get salmonella in THEIR Peter Pan jar. What a brilliant game...I should copyright that.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Office is Awwwwesome
So the U.S. version of "The Office" has quickly become one of my most favorite shows. I've already run through Season 1 and am onto Season 2 (ala Netflix). The humor is just so subtle but brilliant all the same. I think the looks and gestures that effortless say it all are what makes this show just work. Especially Jim's character. His looks into the camera are just perfect.
Some of my favorite Michael Scott (i.e. Steve Carell) quotes so far...
Michael Scott: Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family.
Michael Scott: The rules of shotgun are very simple and very clear. The first person to shout 'shotgun' when you're within sight of the car gets the front seat. That's how the game's played. There are no exceptions for someone with a concussion.
Michael Scott: Yes, I've heard 'women and children first', but we do not employ children. We are not a sweatshop, thankfully. And women are equal in the workplace, by law, so if I let them out first... I have a lawsuit on my hands.
Michael Scott: [ordering at Chili's] Megan? May we have an Awesome Blossom please? Extra awesome.
Good stuff. There is part of me that hopes I never have to work with someone like Michael Scott...but another part of me that hopes for it everyday...hehe.
I learned to poach!
No, not eggs...although I do really need to learn how to poach eggs because I love me some Eggs Florentine!! Last night during tennis, I learned the art of poaching. And it was oh so fun! If I tried to explain it, I would just confuse I will use wikipedia's definition:
"Poaching – (in doubles) an aggressive move where the player at net moves to volley a shot intended for his/her partner."
Wow, Wiki did a good job describing it. There's a diagram here but it reminds me too much of geometry which was NOT my favorite subject in high school to say the least.
But poaching is a good time I must say. And so is tennis. I am slowly and steadily upping my game so I can probably play Maria or Serena in a couple weeks or so. No problem. If I could ONLY fit it into my busy schedule...
Monday, February 12, 2007
Flip Cup for-sheeezy
Yes, I had a nice re-visit with college when I partook in a nice old fashioned game of Flip Cup.
This game can get so stressful! For those who are unfamiliar, the game is also known as "Flippy Cup" and "Boat Racing." You have teams on either side of a table and your opponent is the person standing directly across from you. The opponents at the end of the table start chugging their beers at the same time (from the highly recognizable plastic red/blue cups typically) and once they're finished, put their cups on the edge of the table, right side up, and have to flip the cup continuously until it lands upside down. Once it does, onto the next person on your team who repeats the process until the person on the end has completed the final "flipping of the cup."
It may sound easy in theory, but throwing in elements of nerves, intoxication and people screaming and cheering all around you, this seemingly easy task becomes quite complex and potentially impossible if you've had one too many. It is oh so fun though. And I know some things you out grow with hop-scotch, playing tag, giving people wedgies, etc....but I just can't imagine I will EVER out grow Flip Cup or Beer Pong.
You probably can't make the quote out on the bottom of the motivational "Flip Cup poster" above, but it reads "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"....ahh, so true, and so wise when it comes to this fan-freaking-tastic game.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Shiro FitFit anyone?
Yeah, I didn't know what "Shiro FitFit" was either until Saturday when we went to the fabulous Ethiopian restaurant, Fassica for Nadia's b-day!
We got the Fassica Special which included a little bit of everything and also the Shiro Fitfit which is "Injera tossed in powdered roasted chickpea sauce, seasoned with onions, jalapeno and spices." Everything was extremely tastey and I highly recommend this place if you're ever in Culver City and hunger strikes. IT's run by a precious couple that are sweet as can be. And, it gives you an excuse to eat with your hands (and injera which is the yummy spongey bread)!
Afterward, we continued Nadia's celebration with dancing the night away at Mor Bar on Main St. in SM. Eventhough the bouncer was on a major power trip, he could not stop our night and it was most excellent! It involved boogeying to bootie songs, shaking our groovethangs on the stage, dancing in a biiig circle, shots, wine, you name it. Had the best time.
Then Nadia, Jacquie and I had "hangover" brunch the next day at Bread & Porridge in SM which hit the spot in the most perfect way; I had the Shepherd's Omelet with spinach and goat cheese...yum! A wonderful weekend all around.
Jack is my hero
Jack on "Lost" hasn't been doing it for me lately. But you know who has? Jack Bauer on "24." Not from a "oh wow, he's hot!" standpoint...more like a "his character has been just so unbelievably bad ass lately" frame of mind.
After this week's episode though, looks like he is going to have some MAJOR Daddy issues.
Apparently others also feel Jack Bauer is such a bad ass since so many sites devote funny "Top 100 lists" that embody this amazing character. Here are some good ones...
1) Jack Bauer's favorite color is severe terror alert red. His second favorite color is violet, but just because it sounds like violent.
2) Simon Says should be renamed to Jack Bauer Says because if Jack Bauer says something then you better f-ing do it.
3) When Google can't find something, it asks Jack Bauer for help.
4) Jack Bauer once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
5) When you go to hell, it's just a room with you and Jack.
6) Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite. Jack Bauer laughs at Superman for having a weakness.
7)Once, someone tried to tell Jack Bauer a "knock knock" joke. Jack Bauer found out who was there, who they worked for, and where the goddamn bomb was.
8)Jack Bauer played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
9)If it tastes like chicken, looks like chicken, and feels like chicken, but Jack Bauer says its beef. Then it's f-ing beef.
10) It's no use crying over spilt milk... Unless that was Jack Bauer's milk. Oh you are so screwed.
To view the complete list, click here.
Lost again!
I can't wait for Lost to come back tonight. They left us hanging with a cliffhanger last year and that DID NOT make me happy. Lost has some work to do in order to gain my support back.
I heard on the radio this morning that the show's producers have no intention for it to drag on years and year like Seinfeld and Frasier did for 67 years. That is somewhat comforting. Let's see if they put their money where their mouth is. And for the love of God, what the HECK is the smoke monster thing? And are they all dead and in purgatory or is this just a really bad acid trip? Hopefully some questions will be answered in tonight's episode.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
No longer Mr.Dreamboat
Gavin Gavin Gavin. You used to be so fantastic. You had the looks, the smarts, the humor, the admiration of not only San Franciscans but also throughout the U.S....what the heck happened to you?!?!?! Such a disappointment.
First, the news that he slept with his aide/good friend's wife. Then, he has come out and said he is a big 'ol alkie. What next? That he's joining the Scientologist cult? He has a 3rd arm?
A man with so much potential....I mean, he still is pretty...but nobody wants an unfaithful alcoholic...well, maybe if he can make a mean mojito....
Monday, February 5, 2007
Bad Wookie....baaaad!
Who knew that Chewbacca was so hard core? Apparently a Chewbacca impersonator was arrested after head-butting a tour guide in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The tour guide was telling the wookie to stop harassing the tourists and Chewbacca just wasn't having it.
I've seen the eccentric street performers out in Hollywood before and they've always been quite entertaining. Maybe Chewbacca was having a bad day because Marilyn Monroe and Elvis were getting more attention? Whatever the case may be...him exclaiming, "Nobody can tell THIS wookie what do to," is just priceless!
He may be right...maybe nobody CAN tell that wookie what to do. But the Star Wars geek underneath the Chewbacca suit, that has probably never been laid a day in his life, is now in a jail cell. The force WAS NOT with him that day.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Sit 'n Sleep is Satan
Or at least that's how I felt this morning. I wake up to my radio alarm every work morning and usually I hear some non-descript, non-invasive song or discussion that I'm not coherent enough to actually register. You know, nothing of importance but enough noise to slowly allow me to collect my senses (after hitting snooze 17 more times).
But this morning, I woke to one of the most God-awful sounds. In a screaming blaring obnoxious voice, I am startled by the exclamation...."Sit 'n Sleep will beat any advertised mattress prices or your mattress is freeeeee!!!!" It almost gave me a heart attack! Then, to top it off...another horrid voice (apparently Irwin) exclaims "You're killlling me Larrrryyyy!"
You know what? I wish Larry would actually kill Irwin already. And then finish himself off while he was at it. I am sick and tired of these lame ass commercials. It gives advertising a bad name...and I should know...since I'm in adverting and all. So THERE Sit 'n Sleep! Get yourself a new ad campaign or else I will reach inside my radio and strangle you with my bare hands the next time you wake me up like that.
As you can tell, I woke up on the RIGHT side of the bed this morning.
Susie Homemaker in the Making
Yes, yours truly along with Jen(ni) cooked this meal last night (Parmesan crusted chicken, sauteed zucchini and squash, and multigrain pasta with vodka sauce) and it was T-A-S-T-E-Y! So simple and quick to prepare.
I hadn't cooked in a while and it felt just great. Here's to becoming Lisa least once a week ;)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Got $155 Million Dollars?
Then you could be the proud owner of the above BFE Montana!!! It will be the most expensive property in the world...surpassing even "The Donald's" estate. He must be pissed!
Yess, for that modest sum...the owner will have their own helicopter, helicopter pad, ski lift to an exclusive mountain, 30 car garage and 4 guest houses. It's absolutely ridiculous but fabulous all the same.
Apparently locals are not too excited for this new development in their little town in Montana....they have a point that all of that money could go to a good cause but I bet they wish they had their own mountain to ski on as well!'s just insane and so unneccesary! The developer said he will buy it if there aren't any takers but I guess there are 10 bidders already.
I'm sure the home will be amazing but to keep it in perspective....IT'S IN MONTANA!! If homes are going for that much dough in freaking dreams of owning a home in SoCal are pretty much slim to none. Desolate island is looking more and more appealing...
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