Thursday, July 3, 2008

I KNEW I liked Watermelon!

So I'm listening to the news this morning, and two words grab my attention..... "Watermelon" and "Sex." I'm intrigued. Please continue!

Apparently, according to a recent study, watermelon may spice up your sex life! Full story here. Reason being is it contains a nutrient called citrulline that relaxes the body's blood vessels....similar to Viagra!

Oh, reeeeeeally? I bet you that watermelon sales will be spiking considerably over the holiday weekend. Yesiree! Maybe I'll be swinging by the grocery story on my way home today know...just to pick up some necessities ;)

P.S. I sooo want to learn how to make the fun watermelon flower sculpture thingy pictured above!

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