So I woke up Monday morning this week to find a bug bite on the middle finger of my right hand and the forearm of my left hand. Bugs just LOVE me. When I went to Lisbon, I had a friendly bug that gave me a love bite, and the next day, my forearm had swollen to the size of Popeye. That was a lot of fun.
On our senior trip after we graduated high school, I spent a night outside with a couple of friends, hanging out and chilling. The next day, I had about 20 mosquito bites on each leg, and due to allergic reaction, they looked like giant welts all over. Really quite lovely.
This time around, the bites were itchy and a bit tender, but nothing that a little benadryl and hydrocortizone couldn't cure, right? Wrong. I woke up Tuesday morning and my entire right hand was completely swollen. You couldn't even see my knuckles and I lost a great deal of mobility in that hand. Pesky bugs! What's the deal?!?! I went to the doctor and got a prescription for steroids AND I got to have a steroid shot in the arse. Actually....the nurse technically said, "Yes, we'll be giving you your shot in the gluteaus maximus." FABulous!
So, I took it easy on Tuesday and now the traces of both bites are almost gone. Yay! No more this year. Thanks.
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