Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I never get sick of Target. It really is a "one stop" shop.

So, the apartment decorating is coming along, slowly, but surely. And, Ryan's Momma suggested that instead of putting another painting up in our room, we get a vase and stick a bundle of those "stick thingies" in it.

I was thinking I'd be making a trip over to Pier 1, but thought I'd try Target first...just in case.

To my surprise and delight, I found EXACTLY what I was looking for!!! I found this vase and this bundle, and it looks AWESOME!! So, if you're ever in the market for a vase and "stick bundle" thingie...check out Target ;)


Anonymous said...

Target is the best store EVER. I've already been 3 times since I've been home in the last week. Unfortunately the targets in australia are not up to par with the ones here.

Anonymous said...

Oh and decorating apartments is my favorite past time ever :)