Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It is SO on!!

Guess what Ryan's parents and sisters got him for his birthday this past weekend? I'll give you two hints...(1) I am so pumped on his gift that it was like it was MY birthday too!, and (2) my right forearm and bicep are ridiculously sore from playing with it the past few days.

Yes, you guessed it. We got a Wii!!!!! I guess the accompanying photo may have been a 3rd hint.

I'm convinced that Wii and 24 Hour Fitness, Bally's, LA Fitness and other gyms across the country should partner with one another and have "Wii" stations where people can work on building up their "Wii arms" and various machines. Granted, I guess the same could go for improving one's game at "actual" tennis (like the kind you play "outside"), but, let's be honest, I'm most concerned with improving my Wii tennis game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish we lived by each other because we could have some serious Wii-fests. I also LOVE Target. You can never go in and get just what was on your list.