Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I heart JT

Went to the JT's concert "Future Sex Love Sounds" last night at the Staples Center. It was a-maz-ing. He is officially a man. No more boy band mouseketeer that one. Well, his voice may still be as high as a mouseketeer but I'm not complaining. His moves are sick, his stage presence is unbelievable, and there is just NO way you CAN'T dance to his music. And who knew homeboy was so musically inclined? He played the piano, guitar, that keyboard thingie that goes over the shoulder....I was just BEYOND impressed. Way to go Justin.

Also interesting to note was how many seemingly straight guys went. Well, their sexuality is questionable, but it would be quite the appropriate place to pick up on women. Because Staples was swarming with them. And some boyfriends of girls who were "pretending" they were being dragged to the concert, but were secretly SO glad to be there.

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