Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Remember when I said I'd wait until AFTER I read my next book club book before I started the 4th and final "Twilight" book? Um...yeahhhhh, so, the next book selected for our book club is called Shantaram...and it's 900 FREAKING PAGES!! I've never read a book that long....the only thing that compares is the last Harry Potter book which was 800 something pages.

Well, we have until the end of September to read Shantaram, so...I thought it wouldn't be a problem to buy "Breaking Dawn" at the aiport the other week to occupy myself until I got home to buy my book club book. Yeah, I'm on page 500 something of "Breaking Dawn" and STILL have not made it to the book store to get the book club book. Whoops! Ohhhhhhhhhhh wellllllllllllllll. haha, I seriously have a Twi addiction...I may need an intervention....

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