Friday, April 17, 2009

Amazing Lemur Rescue!

This story is incredible!! So these lemur parents were playing with their baby in Little Rock Zoo, and then the baby fell in the water and couldn't swim! So two of the zoo keepers jump in the water, and one of them gives the lemur baby mouth-to-mouth and resucitates the little guy. There's video too.

Makes me think of that one scene in "Something About Mary" when Matt Dillon gives CPR to the dog. Hehe.


Alexi Holford said...

Wow! What a near tragedy! Poor little baby. I wonder if there are any after effects of having been deprived of oxygen so long. I hope he is alright.

Anonymous said...

When I interviewed our dog walker she told me that she knew dog cpr... of course I was dying to know what this looked like and if she had ever used it but didn't want to ask:>