Early this morning, a triathlete was fatally attacked by a shark in Solana Beach just near San Diego. Article here.
I feel so sorry for this man and his family. How awful. He was just going about his business...training for his race. And this freak accident occurs. He was even with several other swimmers as well. Why him? Why anyone at all? Shark attacks are just so unpredictable. And rare too.
While my heart goes out to this man's friends and family, this is NOT good PR for sharks. Shark attacks really are rare. There are so many statistics out there backing this statement up (my favorite is that you're more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark....this is actually quite relevant at my office considering we work at a place that houses sharks...and, food constantly gets caught in our vending machine...so it's much more plausible that a coworker could get smashed by a toppled over vending machine...fo real!)
And news stations have been calling our PR department all day to comment on this freak attack. I'm so glad I didn't go down the career path of becoming a news reporter...these people can be vultures! One woman demanded to speak with our shark expert. When my coworker said he is currently in the water, she demanded, "Can you go get him then? Just pull him out of the water!!" Yeah lady, we'll get right on that. Because the world revolves around YOU and your news story.
Poor triathlete. Poor sharks. And boo to all the pushy pushy news reporters.
i resent this blog. as do all my co-workers at CNN.
i think sharks are killers and i'm sticking to it!
also, i totally agree with 100% of this e-mail, it's just hard for me to admit it.
So, let me clarify by saying that not ALL reporters are jerks. Like, reporters and producers (hypothetically speaking) that work at CNN or any Florida newspaper are pretty cool people if I do say so myself.
Is that better Amanda? Hehe.
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