Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Familyyyyyyy Feuuuuuuuuud!

So, I've been teased relentlessly for liking Family Feud. But how can you NOT?!?! I mean, it's a wholesome family game show that involves some friendly competition and fast thinking tactics. What's not to love?!?!

Well, apparently I'm not alone with my love for the Fam Feud. Because, guess what?? It's coming back on air...and now on PRIMETIME....with celebrities! That's right, baby. Check it out here. They're going to pit castmates against each the Lost and Heroes casts.

That would be sweet! I think Jack/Sawyer/Kate would totally kick Peter/Hiro/Sylar booties. Granted, Heroes have special powers and all...but the Lost peeps...they are survivors who deal with crazy island crap all the time!!!


Anonymous said...

Feel free to talk to me about that show right after the Lost recap. It's like my dream come true.

Unknown said...

I love family feud... and i love lost and heroes... it is a dream come true jen!