Friday, June 8, 2007

What happens when you use the "F" word...

Apparently you can say "Fuck fuck fuck" to your hearts content on the set of Grey's Anatomy. But if you use the OTHER "F" word (which shall not be named...but I'll give you a rhymes with Saget)...well, then, you get the axe. Yup, Isaiah Washington is outskies. And to be honest...I don't really care. I like Grey's and all, but Christina is way more interesting then stupid stupid Burke.

Do I think he should have been fired though for saying that? Well, that's up for debate. The man may never work in Hollywood again. Maybe if he went to homophobic rehab they would let him return?

I remember reading something from a blog that said the ultimate payback would be if Isaiah Washingon had to play a gay man on the show. That would be quite interesting.

Needless to say, that trophy is the only love he'll be getting for a while.

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