Monday, September 24, 2007

My My Milo

Oh Milo. I am so excited to see you tonight. I am also thrilled that Heroes is coming back on the air.

I admit, I was resistant to the powers of Heroes at first. Why would I want to waste my time watching a TV show about silly super heroes anyway? That's LAME, right? Ya, just about as lame as watching shows about castaways on a magical island, incestuous doctors who say "seriously" way too much, and a washed up rocker's escapades with some of the trashiest women in America. I would never subject myself to THAT mindless drivel. Seriously.

But, needless to say, I got sucked the rest of the world. And now I'm hooked. And, Milo is fun to look at too. But if he really is dating Hayden, that grosses me out. An 18 and 30 year old together? Ew. He needs a mature woman. Say, someone who's about 27, lives in Huntington Beach, works at the Aquarium in Long Beach, and is named Lisa. Hypothetically speaking...

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