Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's All in the Family

So over the weekend, I met one of the writers of Family Guy at a house party. And I totally geeked out with him. I asked him all sorts of questions about how the show came about, what it's like in the writing room, how does their camp feel with South Park taking jabs at them, etc. I also learned that the random "vignettes" throughout the episodes are referred to as "cutaways."

And it was truly fascinating! Very down-to-earth family man. Didn't have a Hollywood sized ego. It made me like Family Guy EVEN MORE. And who would have thought my middle aged Uncle would be the one who first introduced me to the show years ago. What a hip dude.

And I was sooo invited to go see a live read of a future episode. Yes, I accept bribery in many forms.

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