Friday, February 22, 2008

Can't give up the cheese.

Yeah, so I tried the whole "vegan/vegetarian" diet for a whole week. Or I tried to. Vegetarian, no problem. But, I just love me some cheese. I can't be a vegan. I'm sorry. Just can't. Cheese is just too good. Who was I kidding with giving up on pizza?!?!

And, my excuse is I'm STILL making up for lost time since I was allergic to cheese (and all dairy products for that matter) for my entire childhood. I deserve cheese. And our boss just ordered us pizza for lunch today, and by golly, I'm going to enjoy them. So there.

I'm still going to try and cut down on my intake of poultry and red meat to avoid consuming all the hormones and chemicals and stuff. But I love fishies (marketing them AND eating them). That, I can't give up.


Unknown said...

I can't give up cheese either! I've been told I probably shouldn't eat dairy but I just can't give it up. Cheese is the best thing ever!

James said...

By golly? really???
